Educational Consulting Career Counseling |
What does an educational consultant do? How does she do this?
Why use an Educational Consultant? Educational Consultants are familiar with many colleges and universities and student profiles of those they admit. Economy of time, effort and money can be achieved by selecting for application the colleges students are most interested in and which will be most interested in the applicant. What does a career counselor do?
Is there any advantage in using an Educational Consultant who is also a skilled Career Counselor? Some High School students know what they want to do in a college career and how they can utilize that education to build a work career. For those who do not or are not sure, a thorough assessment of personality, skills, aptitudes and interests and the opportunity to discuss potential careers with a knowledgeable professional can assist in choosing majors in college. With this informed choice, students are most likely to focus their educational efforts in directions they will find interest, rewards and success. You may ask, "Isn’t college a time to ‘find oneself’? Why should the student pick a life time career before starting college?" Choice of major or focus in college shouldn’t necessarily be so narrow as to prevent exploration, growth, and some change in goals. However, focus or major should hook the interest and commitment of the student to study and succeed. Today many people will make as many as 4-7 career changes. Success breeds success; the student who likes and can achieve in a particular major is best prepared to make future changes. Please review the article done in the New York Times about what Educational Consultants do: